Privacy Policy

Oasis Hotels & Resorts Privacy Policy


In accordance with this Privacy Notice, the natural or legal person who is the owner of the personal data (hereinafter, the Owner) is informed of the manner in which Oasis Hotels & Resorts, SA de CV with address located at Blvd. Kukulcán KM 6.5 Lote 1, Zona Hotelera, Cancún, Quintana Roo, CP 77500, email (hereinafter, Oasis ) collects and uses your personal data in a lawful manner in compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and other applicable regulations, which are provided to you through the Website, through the mobile Application, social networks and official Oasis pages, and of any other data that you may provide in the future to Oasis when you contract and receive services from our hotels.

This Privacy Notice supplements any other simplified or short privacy notices that our organization has made available to you and is supplementary in everything that such notices do not expressly refer to.


For the purposes of this Privacy Notice, the following terms shall be understood:


Oasis will process the personal data of the Data Subject, always ensuring the principles of legality, consent, information, quality, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and loyalty, as well as the duties of security and confidentiality provided for in the Law.

As for the purposes of processing the personal data of the Owner of the personal data, they are as follows:

We inform you that your personal data may be shared with companies related to Oasis, as well as government agencies, local or federal prosecutors, or local or federal courts, or public institutes or entities before which legal proceedings are initiated according to the nature of the services you contract, for compliance with identification requirements or similar.

Affiliates and/or third parties are prohibited from using your personal information for purposes other than those stated, nor will we use sensitive personal data (such as ideological data; data on political opinions; data on union membership; health data; data on sexual life or data on ethnic or racial origin) for any purpose other than providing the services and we oblige our affiliates, as well as third parties, to protect your personal data with appropriate security measures. These affiliates and/or third parties may not process or use your personal information except in accordance with this Oasis Privacy Notice and in accordance with applicable law.

Oasis complies with the various obligations set forth in the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (LFPDP) and the regulations related thereto, and other laws or administrative provisions at the federal and local levels.

The data collected will have the purposes indicated in this Privacy Notice, we can collect your personal data in different ways:

The Data Subject shall have the right at all times to cancel his/her personal data by means of a written request sent to the email address Such cancellation shall result in a blocking period after which the data shall be deleted. Oasis may retain the data necessary exclusively for the purposes of the responsibilities arising from the processing. The blocking period shall be equivalent to the limitation period for actions arising from the legal relationship that underlies the processing in accordance with the Law. Once the data has been cancelled, Oasis shall notify the Data Subject.


In order to provide the Services, Oasis through the Website or Paraty Tech through the booking engine, request the Holder of personal data, referring to:

They are collected and stored in the Database.

Oasis may verify the personal data provided by consulting public entities, specialized companies or risk centers; verification expressly authorized by the Owner of the personal data with the acceptance of this Privacy Notice, all information obtained through said investigation will be treated by Oasis in a confidential manner, respecting the applicable legislation and this Privacy Notice.

In the event that the Owner of the personal data provides data to third parties, he/she declares that he/she has their consent and undertakes to transfer to the interested party, Owner of said data, the information contained in this Privacy Notice, exempting Oasis from any liability in this regard. However, Oasis may carry out the necessary verifications to verify this fact, adopting the corresponding due diligence measures, in accordance with data protection regulations.


The owner of the personal data has the right to know what personal data we have about him/her, what we use it for and the conditions of use we give it ( Access ). Likewise, it is his/her right to request the correction of his/her personal information if it is outdated, inaccurate or incomplete ( Rectification ); that we delete it from our records or databases when he/she considers that it is not being used in accordance with the principles, duties and obligations provided for in the regulations ( Cancellation ); as well as to oppose the use of his/her personal data for specific purposes (Opposition ). These rights are known as ARCO rights .

I. Request. The owner of the personal data must submit his/her Request to Exercise ARCO Rights, either in person or digitally (exclusively by email to Said request must be accompanied by the following information:

To obtain more information in cases where the owner of the personal data is a minor or is under interdiction, the procedure will be followed in accordance with the provisions of the "PROCESS FOR EXERCISING MY DPDP IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR", find out how to submit it by selecting Oasis is obliged to receive the request to exercise the ARCO rights at the following location: Blvd. Kukulcán KM 6.5 Lote 1, Zona Hotelera, Cancún, Quintana Roo, CP 77500.

It is important to take into account that, if the request does not have the information described above, the person responsible may request the missing information through a REQUIREMENT, which must be issued within a maximum period of 5 (five) business days counted from the day following the submission of the request, and the Owner of the personal data will have 10 (ten) business days, after receiving the warning, to provide the required information, otherwise the request will be considered as not submitted.

When you submit your application, Oasis must provide an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT stating the date of receipt of your application.

II. Response . Oasis will respond to the request by email or in person at the address indicated by Oasis for such purposes, within a period of 20 (twenty) business days counted from the date the acknowledgment of receipt of the request is sent to the Owner of the personal data or his representative.

Once the required documents have been submitted, Oasis will be obliged to inform the Data Subject or his representative, in order to count the business days in which the request will be processed.

III. Resolution . When the request is appropriate, with respect to the personality and ownership of the ARCO Rights and the Owner of the personal data and/or his representative has been informed of this, the terms for carrying out the request will be the following:

The terms referred to in the preceding paragraphs may be extended once for an equal period if necessary and upon prior notification by Oasis.

In accordance with Article 34 (thirty-four) of the Law, Oasis may deny access to personal data, or to rectify or cancel it or grant opposition to the processing of the same, in the following cases:

It also provides that the refusal may be partial, in which case, Oasis will carry out the access, rectification, cancellation or opposition requested by the Owner of the personal data.

In all the above cases, Oasis must inform the Data Subject of the reason for its decision and communicate it to the Data Subject, or where applicable, to the legal representative, within the time limits established for this purpose, by the same means by which the request was made, accompanying, where applicable, any relevant evidence.

The exercise of the "ARCO Rights" will be free of charge, but if the provisions of article 35 of the law are met, that is, the Owner of the personal data reiterates his request in a period of less than 12 (twelve) months, the cost will be the sum of 3 (three) times the Measurement and Update Unit (UMA) that is in force at the time of the request and the Value Added Tax, unless there are substantial modifications to the Privacy Notice that motivate new Requests to Exercise ARCO Rights.

All justified expenses resulting from sending, reproduction in copies or formats will be at the expense of the Owner of the personal data or his representative.


Oasis reserves the right to make changes or updates to this Privacy Notice at any time.

These modifications will be available to the public through the following means: (I) notices visible in the corporate offices; (II) brochures or leaflets available in the corporate offices; (III) on our website or (IV) we will send them to the last email address you have provided us.


For the purposes of this Privacy Notice, it will be governed first by the provisions set forth herein and, additionally, by the provisions of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, the Regulations of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, the Guidelines of the Privacy Notice published in the Official Gazette of the Federation and other applicable legal provisions.


If you have any questions about this Privacy Notice, about the processing of your personal data, or any concerns or complaints regarding the administration of this Privacy Notice, or if you wish to submit a written request regarding your personal data, then you may contact us by email at


The Data Subject confirms that he/she has read and accepted the terms of the Oasis Privacy Notice, giving his/her consent for Oasis to share his/her information with its affiliates, who will use it as stipulated. Oasis offers various services, such as online reservations, room information and events, for which the Data Subject must provide personal data such as name, telephone number, email address and payment details. This information is crucial to process reservations and ensure a personalized experience. Oasis is committed to handling data confidentially and to complying with current data protection regulations.

In addition, the Data Subject may choose to give his/her consent to receive services, promotions, as well as marketing and telephone calls other than the reservation.

The Owner of the personal data YES NO You consent to Oasis sharing your personal information with its affiliated companies and/or contracted third parties, who may use such information to provide you with services, promotions, marketing, as well as marketing and telephone calls other than reservations.